Cookies, their collection and use

Updated on April 12, 2022

We use cookies on our site to improve the performance and content of the site and to provide a more personalized user experience and social media channels.

A cookie is a small text file that the browser saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. The term “cookie” also refers to other similar technologies on these pages. Necessary cookies are required for the website to function. Websites can also use cookies that are not necessary for the website to function. They are used, for example, for analytics, user tracking and marketing, and their absence does not prevent the online service from functioning. Such cookies can only be used with the user’s consent.

A cookie can be permanently stored on the user’s device, so the website remembers the user when they return to the page, even if they have closed the browser in between. The cookie can also be session-specific, in which case it disappears after closing the browser.

Cookies can be first-party cookies or third-party cookies. First-party cookies are set from the same site that the user visits. Third-party cookies, on the other hand, are set by an external party.

For what purpose is the data collected?

The website automatically collects the information described below about visitors. This information is used to improve the site’s user interface and user experience, as well as for statistical monitoring of visitor numbers. Information is not disclosed to external parties.

What kind of information is collected about the user of the service?

The website uses cookies to maintain the user session. Technical cookies do not collect or store the user’s unique personal data.

The user has the option to block the use of cookies by changing their browser settings. However, using the site without cookies may affect the functionality of the pages.

The information collected for the service’s visitor statistics is anonymized, so it cannot be linked to an individual person. Such information includes:

  • IP address from which Taito Research’s website was accessed

  • date

  • pages used in the service

  • browser type

  • regional location information from which the user cannot be identified.

Does the service transmit information to other services?

The website has a chat service, of which data protection information is provided in the forms and services, as well as below in the section “User tracking”.

The pages may contain content from service providers outside of Taito Research, such as content from social media channels. Privacy protection of these channels and services is the responsibility of their owners. Personal information is not transferred to community services along with addresses.

We only keep data for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purposes defined here. The data to be stored does not contain identifying personal data.

User tracking

We use Leadoo user tracking to track how our users move around our website. We combine this data with the user’s information, which is collected through e.g. chat interactions.

Leadoo uses etag tracking, which differs from cookie-based tracking in that it combines data from several user sessions together. Check Leadoo Marketing Technologies Oy’s Privacy Policy to know more about what is tracked in the system.

In terms of GDPR, Taito Research acts as a controller and Leadoo as a data processor. If you don’t want to be tracked, you can clear your browser’s cache. You can find more information about how Leadoo works here.